When trying to approve a Pay Request, the approval was blocked and the following message appeared:
Approved Pay requests are waiting; cannot approve this deductive change at this time.
What does it mean?
- When Spitfire is integrated with Microsoft Dynamics SL (DSL) AND
- BudgetConfig | BypassDeductiveCCOCheck is not 0/No/Off AND
- The Commitment location is not Imported (used by Import tool) AND
- Any CCO line has a negative amount (that is: a deductive change that will REDUCE the commitment line amount) AND
- There is a pay header in DSL for the same commitment with PJPAYHDR.STATUS1=C AND
- The pending payment in DSL includes payment for any of the line(s) reduced by the CCO,
Then the following message is displayed:
Approved Pay requests are waiting; cannot approve this deductive change at this time
The rationale and requirement come from the fact that:
- When the payment was approved in sfPMS and sent to DSL, it met requirements and was valid.
- If sfPMS allows the deductive change, then the payment posting might well fail in DSL.
Possible steps would be:
- Cancel or remove the pending Subcontractor Pay Request in DSL.
- Pay the pending Subcontractor Pay Request and then also put through a CREDIT Payment Request and apply the credit to the Vendor’s AP total.
KBA-01560; Last updated: October 17, 2016 at 13:14 pm