What qAlias bookmarks are available for the document routing data?
We have a qAlias qDistinctTo (query pqa_DistinctTo) that can be deployed upon request. It gathers information about document route recipients.
QueryConfig rules can use pqa_DistinctTo for various use cases. For example, the rule qTo2:Alias could be defined to list everyone at sequence 2, using the query pqa_DistinctTo. (The name of the qAlias can be anything you want.)
As further examples, you could
- filter on a sequence 20 by using @pSequence=20
- filter on a range of sequences 20 – 49 using @pSequence=20, @pSequenceEnd=49
- display all recipients on the document route by omitting @pSequence and @pSequenceEnd
The fields provided for template bookmarks (where qAlias is whatever you have defined as the qAlias):
- qAlias_UserKey: the recipients’ key, suitable for use with contact prefixes such as DCO, DTI etc.
- qAlias_UserName: the name of the user
- qAlias_Company: the company of the user. For employees, the division name is substituted.
- qAlias_EMail: the recipients email address (if any)
- qAlias_FirstSeq: the sequence number. (When a range of sequences is summarized, each recipient is returned once and the sequence number of their first reference is used.)
- [V2020+] qAlias_LastActed: is the most recent date and time the recipient has acted on one of their routes.
- qAlias_ProjectRole: the recipients role from the project team part
KBA-01706; Last updated: October 4, 2021 at 10:03 am;
Keywords: none