KBA-01814: PDFs are not Opening or Closing properly


You may have encountered one of the following problems with regards to PDF files:

  • When you click on the PDF icon on the Attachments tab, the file does not open.
  • Your PDF file does open, but Spitfire does not recognize when you close and “check-in” the file, so the red lock icon remains for the PDF.
  • You are unable to “Undo Check Out” for the PDF.


Microsoft Edge has decided that it is best suited to opening PDFs and may have changed the default app for .pdf files.  Spitfire does not expect PDF files to be opened in Microsoft Edge and can lose some connection information about such a file.  If your default app for PDFs is not what you are used to, you should change the default.

To change the default app for PDF files:

  1. Go to Windows | Settings.
  2. Search for Default Apps.
  3. Scroll down and click the Choose Default apps by file type link.
  4. Scroll down until you find .pdf. If it is Microsoft Edge, change it by clicking on the words Microsoft Edge on the right, then selecting a new app.

KBA-01814; Last updated: May 29, 2024 at 12:37 pm