Data from Project Setup – Bookmark Templates

When you are designing a Bookmark Template for a Doc Type other than Project Setup but want to include information from that project’s Project Setup document, use the following bookmarks.

In v2019 and later you can use the qProject alias for access to every header and revision field.

We also support access to specific fields without the qAlias.  For example, if you want to include the project title on a printout of your Meeting Minutes document, use DV_DocHeader_Project.

Here is the full list:

Bookmark with Prefix Explanation
DV_DocHeader_Project The Title from the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_ProjectApprover The Owner Approver on the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_ProjectArea The Area from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectCitySZ The City, State and ZIP code of the Project address
DV_DocHeader_ProjectCompany The internal company/division ID associated with the project
DV_DocHeader_ProjectCompanyName The internal company/division name associated with the project
DV_DocHeader_ProjectContract The ID of the Project Setup (for integrated sites only)
DV_DocHeader_ProjectContractName The name of the Project Setup (for integrated sites only)
DV_DocHeader_ProjectCostImpact The Cost Impact amount from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectCustomer The Customer ID of the Project Setup’s Customer
DV_DocHeader_ProjectCW The Retention on the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectDuration The Duration on the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectFinishDate The Finish Date from the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_ProjectGEO The GEO Latitude from the Project Setup’s Project tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectHasBillingCodes Whether or not the project’s associated SOV has billing codes. 0 means No; 1 means Yes.
DV_DocHeader_ProjectLocation The Location from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectNoteA The second note from the Project Setup’s Scope tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectNoteB The third note from the Project Setup’s Scope tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectPayNumber The Pay Item Number from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectPO The project’s PO number from Microsoft Dynamics SL (for integrated sites only)
DV_DocHeader_ProjectReason The reason/reject code from the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_ProjectSCBudgetMode The Commitment Budgeting Mode from the Project Setup’s Project tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectScope The Scope (first note) from the Project Setup’s Scope tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectSignoff The Approved date from the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_ProjectSource The Source Item from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectSourceContact The name of the Customer associated with the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_ProjectSourceDocNo The Doc Number on the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_ProjectStartDate The Start Date from the Project Setup
DV_DocHeader_Street The Street of the Project Address
DV_DocHeader_ProjectSubtype The contract Type from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectTaxID The Tax ID from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectTaxRate The Tax Rate from the Project Setup’s Details tab
DV_DocHeader_ProjectType The Contract Type from the Project Setup’s Details tab (as set up in the ProjectConfig rule, for example Data or Equipment).
ProjectAddr_Addr1 The street address from the Project Setup’s Site Address
ProjectAddr_Addr2 The second line of a street address from the Site Address
ProjectAddr_City The city from the Site Address
ProjectAddr_State The state from the Site Address
ProjectAddr_Zip The ZIP code from the Site Address


Data from Project’s Parent Project

Bookmark with Prefix Explanation
DV_DocHeader_ProjectParent The ID of the parent project
DV_DocHeader_ParentPrjTitle The title description of the parent project