KBA-01737: Configuring Rules for Change Order Workflows
Question: What rules are involved in best practices of Change Order workflows? Answer: There are several rules, established through the…
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Exclusively for Spitfire Clients
Question: What rules are involved in best practices of Change Order workflows? Answer: There are several rules, established through the…
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Question: We have allocations set up for our Change Items. How do I add those allocations to the Budget Entries?…
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Question: We’ve set things up as indicated in KBA-01628: Setup for Change Item Budget Entry Import from Excel. What are…
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Question: On my Change Order, I entered an RFQ-type budget entry for my Change Item. I understand there is a…
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Question: We use the Change Item Register to track all our possible changes. How can I get a Change Item…
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Question: We are set up for cloud storage integration and I want to sync some files with my cloud drive….
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Question: We are going to integrate with a cloud storage provider. How must I configure my Project Setup documents in…
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Question: We are configuring our system for cloud storage integration. Which rules do we need to consider? Answer: Because document…
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Question: Sometimes Support asks us to send in the web application log for a case. How do we do that?…
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Question: We are set up for cloud storage integration. How do I tell Spitfire which Doc types should be synced…
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