KBA-01614: Configuration of Catalog Search Results
Question: Can I configure Catalog Search Results? Answer: You can configure the Catalog Search results using the UI Configuration tool, but…
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Exclusively for Spitfire Clients
Question: Can I configure Catalog Search Results? Answer: You can configure the Catalog Search results using the UI Configuration tool, but…
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Summary: You can use the PresetSearch rules to add a named search to the Catalog Dashboard tab, from where users will…
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Question: What types of files can I store in the sfPMS file catalog? Answer: Virtually any. If you encounter a…
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Purpose & Scope: Use Spitfire‘s sfLoadFile utility to create folders in the Spitfire Catalog based on an existing set of…
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Question: Is there a limit on the size of a file that can be placed in the Spitfire Catalog? Answer:…
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Question: My Spitfire Catalog has grown quite large. How do I avoid backing it all up all the time? Answer:…
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Overview: The FileCatalogConfig rules control various optional behaviors for uploading files into the Spitfire Catalog. The FileCatalogConfig rule group is…
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Purpose & Scope: Contents of Microsoft Office 2007/2010 files types that have been uploaded to Spitfire are not found in…
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Question: Why doesn‘t the site photo I added to the Catalog appear on the Project Dashboard? How can I post a…
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Question: Is there an audit trail when a document is deleted from the catalog? Answer: Yes. Use sfChest to find such…
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