The System Admin Dashboard


The System Admin Dashboard covers system-wide configurations and should be reserved for administrators and other users who make decisions for the entire organization. The System Admin Dashboard appears only to those who have been given proper permission to use it (see System Admin Dashboard Capabilities).

The System Admin Dashboard is made up of a list of tools on the left and the selected tool part on the right.

The System Admin Tools:

The tools on the System Admin Dashboard enable you to do the following:

Tool What Where to get more information
Roles Design and maintain the roles that grant users access and permissions to various parts of the Spitfire system (including projects) and that identify team members on projects. Designing User Roles
Event Subscription Configure connections between Spitfire and event-handling code written by your programmers. Contact
Catalog Folders Indicate the type of access (view, insert, update, delete, all) to folders in your file catalog that your users should have, through means of their roles. Catalog Folders Tool
Cloud Storage Set up paths and integration to cloud storage providers. Cloud Storage Integration
Report Folders Indicate which roles should grant access to folders in the Report Browser (and therefore the reports within those folders). Report Folders Tool
Account Categories Describe your general ledger accounts in words rather than numbers and group those accounts for reporting and analysis purposes. Account Categories Tool
Alert Types Activate or deactivate the Alert types that appear in Alert tabs and Subscriptions. Alert Types Tool
Company Divisions Provide basic information for your company or for company divisions within your organization or corporation Company Divisions Tool
Doc Types Deactivate or rename Doc Types and create new Doc Types. Doc Types Tool
Workflow Scripts Create and maintain ATC workflow scripts to use with or without routing. ATC Scripts and Automatic Workflow
UI Configuration Visually configure parts of your site including documents and dashboard grids, as well as make certain fields visible to only certain roles. Contact
Mask Maintenance Set up mask parameters, such as for Cost Code and Project ID, by specifying segment, length, and type. Mask Maintenance Tool
Rule Maintenance Change and configure the many rules that govern various aspects of Spitfire. Rules and Rule Values (Rule Maintenance)
System Information Check information about servers, versions, logged-in users, and last cache and also recycle the ATC Service and the IIS application. System Information Tool